Every year, millions of people undergo surgical procedures. Each surgery is for a different purpose but every surgery requires certain guidelines to follow. By following these guidelines, you are optimizing your surgical results.
For any questions about your upcoming procedure, please call us at 478-745-6576.
If the following guidelines differ from those given by your physician, always follow the instructions from your medical professional.
What Should I Do Before My Surgery?
Before any minor or major surgery, it is important to prepare your body for the upcoming procedure. Depending on the type of surgery that you will have, you may need to adhere to all of the instructions below. If you are unsure, contact your physician today for clarification. Several instructions to follow include:
- Inform your nurse about any allergies or medical conditions you may have.
- Do not drink any liquids or eat solid food after midnight on the day prior to your procedure.
- Stop taking all blood thinners 7-10 days prior to your procedure or as directed by your physician.
- If you may be pregnant, please inform your physician.
- Inform your nurse of any health change the week before your surgical procedure.
- It is important for your body to be at its best health. If you’re body is fighting a virus, it may not be strong enough to undergo the procedure.
What Should I Do on Surgery Day?
You have readily prepared for surgery by following all your physician’s instructions and now surgery day is here. In addition to arriving on time and asking an adult to drive you home after surgery, there are many things you can do to help the process flow smoothly such as:
- Before arriving at the office, leave all jewelry, watches, and wallets at home. For items you do not want to part with at home such as contact lenses, glasses, dentures, or prosthesis, you can remove those items at the office.
- Don’t forget your insurance cards, paperwork requested by your doctor, and cash or credit card by which to pay if applicable.
- Avoid chewing gum on the day of your procedure. Chewing gum creates excess saliva which increases the fluids in your stomach.
- Wear loose fitting clothing.
Contact your doctor concerning the specific after-care instructions. If you follow the doctor’s instructions, the healing process should be smooth and stress-free.