Tests & Treatments

Urodynamics refers to a series of tests which provide important information for your physician to accurately diagnose and treat your bladder problems appropriately.

Dr. Geary began performing Botox injections for overactive bladder (OAB) at its inception and has the most experience with Botox injections in the Central Georgia region.

Urology Specialists partners with Medtronic to provide our patients with the InterStim® System, the very best technology for treating Refractory Overactive Bladder.

da Vinci Robotics
da Vinci Robotics procedures utilize a high-definition 3D camera to magnify the surgical site, allowing the surgeon to perform a more precise, less-invasive procedure.

The UroLift® System offers patients a minimally invasive, low-risk solution for enlarged prostate that requires no medication or removal of tissue.